Saturday, October 16, 2010

B'halo Bundhu - Good Friends

Kelly has lost her heart to Suborna, one of the 28 children living in the Birampur children's home. And she is not alone. Tears of children and adults alike were flowing as we said good-bye to the children who have greeted us when we wake up in the morning and when we return home each night. While we have done most of our formal ministry in the Birgonj preschool, we have spent the most time with the Birampur children because their home is right outside our back door.

Our final day truly put our team to the test. In the morning, we ran a two-hour VBS for 70 preschool children from Birampur. Despite having twice as many kids at one time and having our games cut short by a torrential rain, every team member stepped up to the challenge. After a lunch break, we spent the afternoon with the children in the Birampur home, and most of us returned to visit with them after dinner. If success could be measured in smiles, then today was a HUGE success in the Kingdom of God!

Tomorrow we return to Dhaka, so please pray for our safety as we travel these incredibly dangerous roads!

1 comment:

  1. after no communication these last couple is SO GREAT to hear how God is being glorified through all of your guys's hard work!!
